June, 2nd - June 8th
Help us Sow Seeds of Compassion and Give Hope to the Homeless!

We are kicking off the Week of Compassion on Sunday, June 2nd at 3pm. Please join us on our campus located at 610 E. Platinum St. to say a Prayer over the Week and our Volunteers. Followed by an Ice Cream Social!!

Proclamation will be on Monday June 2nd at 9:45 at the courthouse. Please join us as Chief Executive JP Gallagher proclaims June 2nd - 8th as the Week of Compassion. Learn about Butte Rescue Mission, ongoing projects, and how you can support us.

The Fourth Annual Week of Compassion and Fasting is just around the corner and we are so excited! We partner with local churches, organizations, and individuals to help educate our community about our services, what we do, and how we support those most vulnerable. The Week of Compassion is an opportunity for everyone to get involved with their local homeless shelter.

We have tons of volunteer opportunities available for everyone who wants to be involved. Last year, we were able to build garden beds so we have the opportunity to teach our residents how to grow their own food and so we can provide fresh herbs and produce to serve with our meals. And the year before that we built an entire playground from the ground up with the help of a local church so that the children we serve have a safe place to play.

If you cannot participate in our scheduled volunteer activities, join us on Saturday, June 8th for our Block Party BBQ to celebrate our wonderful volunteers. Check out our schedule and join us June 2nd – 8th to Restore Hope to the Homeless


If you have wanted to volunteer, but don’t know where to start or who to call, the Week of Compassion is a great place to start. Our goal is that by opening our doors to the public and making volunteering easily accessible, we can inspire our neighbors to become more involved with their community. The Week of Compassion is an opportunity to get involved with your local homeless shelter and to see behind the doors to get a glimpse of exactly what we do to support Butte-Silverbow.

We have volunteer opportunities for anyone who wants to be to GIVE HOPE to the Homeless.

Cooking, painting, and updating our buildings can lead to friendships, fun, and a sense of pride. Taking care of our campus is so important! Summer is upon us and it’s time to get started on yard work and improving our facilities. Planting flowers and creating beautiful areas around our campus ensures our guests have somewhere that feels like home.

See all volunteer opportunities at the link below!

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